Water Modeling

Schematization of water movement and use in a numeric model.

Schematization of water movement and use in a numeric model.

Managing water resources involves understanding current conditions and predicting how policies, plans, strategies and operations will impact future conditions given the complex relationships between physical conditions and anthropogenic activities that dictate the movement and quality of water.  To help water managers, scientist, and stakeholders understand these complex relationships and estimate future conditions in a water system, CCI employs a variety of water resource software. Types of modeling includes:

  • River Basin Models - planning models to address water supply/allocation, drought, reservoir operations, agricultural development, simplified conjunctive management solutions

  • Hydrologic/Hydraulic - flood control, design of infrastructure, flood, real-time flood systems,

  • Sediment/Water Quality - water quality and sedimentation issues

  • Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Water Systems.

In his career, Carter has implemented water models to address a variety of water resource issues in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, and Nepal. Clients include local, state, and federal governments, international aid agencies, private industry, land conservation groups, NGOs, and academic institutions. For the World Bank, CCI wrote Water Resource Software: Application Overview and Review to help guide software selection by water resource managers throughout India.